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Article summary:

1. Numerical simulations of the synthetic processes and consequences of secondary hydrates during depressurization of a horizontal well in the hydrates production were conducted.

2. The synthesis time, scopes, gas sources and maximum saturations of secondary hydrates were clarified by analyzing data from different monitoring sections.

3. The effect of secondary hydrates on the short-term and long-term productions was quantified.

Article analysis:

The article “Numerical simulations of the synthetic processes and consequences of secondary hydrates during depressurization of a horizontal well in the hydrates production” is an informative piece that provides insight into the effects of depressurization on natural gas hydrate reserves. The article is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand for readers with varying levels of knowledge about this topic. The authors provide detailed information about their numerical model, as well as their findings from analyzing data from different monitoring sections. They also discuss the effect that secondary hydrates have on short-term and long-term production rates, as well as how hydraulic fracturing can be used to prevent resynthesis of hydrates.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall; however, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the authors do mention possible risks associated with depressurization, they do not explore these risks in depth or present both sides equally when discussing them. Additionally, while they provide evidence for their claims made throughout the article, some claims may be unsupported or missing points of consideration which could lead to inaccurate conclusions being drawn by readers who are not familiar with this topic. Furthermore, there is some promotional content included in the article which could lead to readers forming biased opinions about certain topics discussed within it.

In conclusion, while this article does provide valuable information about numerical simulations related to natural gas hydrate reserves and depressurization methods, it should be read critically due to potential biases present within it.