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Article summary:

1. The biggest coaching struggle in basketball is dealing with unfilled expectations, which can lead to frustration, conflict, and complaint.

2. Coaches need to address various areas of unfulfilled expectations, such as playing time, win/loss record, college scholarship opportunities, team unity, starting positions, and tournament performance.

3. To overcome this struggle, coaches can help their players identify their natural tendencies and negative proclivities before conflicts arise. They can also use questionnaires to understand their players' expectations and teach them healthy ways to handle disappointment and frustration.

Article analysis:





另外,文章介绍了NBC Basketball作为一个教育项目,致力于提供变革性的活动。然而,它没有提供足够的信息来支持这个说法,也没有提供任何关于NBC Basketball如何实现其目标的具体细节。
