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Article summary:

1. This study explores a high-precision relative location method to simultaneously determine the relative epicenter and source elevation by using differential traveltimes from both downward-takeoff Pn waves and horizontal-takeoff Pg waves.

2. The proposed method significantly enhances the constraint on the source depth variation, which is applied to regional seismic data collected from China, South Korea, and Japan to determine the relative epicenters, origin times and relative burial depths of six North Korean underground nuclear explosions.

3. The depths of the six North Korean nuclear explosions are determined to be 330, 540, 506, 468, 521, and 570 m respectively with explosive yields after burial depth corrections estimated at 1.6, 5.7, 13.4, 12.6, 21.7 and 225.7 kt respectively.

Article analysis:

The article “High‐Precision Relocation With the Burial Depths of the North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions by Combining Pn and Pg Differential Traveltimes” by Yang et al (2021) presents a novel approach for determining the burial depths of North Korean underground nuclear explosions using seismic data from China, South Korea and Japan. The authors propose a high-precision relative location method that combines differential traveltimes from both downward-takeoff Pn waves and horizontal-takeoff Pg waves in order to accurately estimate the source depth variation as well as the relative epicenter and source elevation of these explosions.

The article is generally reliable in its presentation of information; however there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability. Firstly, it does not present any counterarguments or alternative approaches for determining burial depths; instead it focuses solely on its own proposed method without exploring other possible solutions or methods that could be used for this purpose. Additionally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with this approach or any potential limitations that could arise due to its reliance on seismic data from three different countries which may have different levels of accuracy or resolution in their measurements. Furthermore, while the authors do provide evidence for their claims in terms of results obtained from their experiments with seismic data from China, South Korea and Japan they do not provide any evidence for how accurate these results are compared to other methods or how reliable they would be if applied in other contexts outside of this particular case study involving North Korean underground nuclear explosions.

In conclusion then while this article provides an interesting approach for determining burial depths it should be read critically with an awareness of potential biases such as lack of counterarguments or alternative approaches presented as well as lack of evidence regarding accuracy compared to other methods or reliability outside of this particular case study involving North Korean underground nuclear explosions