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Article summary:

1. Dark and Darker, an upcoming medieval extraction shooter, has been removed from Steam following a DMCA takedown and cease and desist notice issued by Nexon.

2. Nexon claims that Dark and Darker uses stolen code and assets from a similar-looking Nexon project called P3 that was eventually scrapped, a project many members of Ironmace formerly worked on.

3. Ironmace denies those accusations and has insisted that Dark and Darker was built from the ground up.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the removal of Dark and Darker from Steam following a dispute between indie developer Ironmace and Korean gaming giant Nexon. The dispute centers around allegations by Nexon that Dark and Darker uses stolen code and assets from a similar-looking Nexon project called P3, which was eventually scrapped. Ironmace denies these accusations and insists that Dark and Darker was built from the ground up.

The article presents both sides of the argument, with quotes from both Nexon and Ironmace. However, it is important to note that the article does not provide any evidence to support either side's claims. It is unclear whether there is any merit to Nexon's allegations or if Ironmace truly built Dark and Darker from scratch.

Additionally, the article does not explore potential counterarguments or alternative explanations for the similarities between P3 and Dark and Darker. For example, it is possible that both projects were influenced by similar sources or that certain elements are common in medieval extraction shooters.

Furthermore, the article includes promotional content for Dark and Darker, such as its high concurrent player count during playtesting. This may suggest a bias towards supporting Ironmace's side of the argument.

Overall, while the article provides an overview of the dispute between Ironmace and Nexon, it lacks in-depth analysis of the evidence presented by both sides. It also includes potentially biased content promoting one side over the other.