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Article summary:

1. Esports teams are increasingly sponsored by gambling companies, targeting the next generation of gamblers. The study found that half of the esports teams in Dota 2 and CS:GO's world championship events in 2021 were sponsored by gambling companies.

2. Esports fans offer a large target audience for gambling companies, especially among younger demographics. The popularity of esports has grown, and some traditional gambling companies are concerned about the potential lack of interest in their products among Generation Z. Esports spectatorship has been found to have a positive correlation with gambling involvement.

3. The relationship between gambling companies' sponsorship in esports should be considered in line with the calls for change in the relationship between football and gambling as a public health issue. Studies have shown that gambling sponsorship in football promotes and normalizes gambling, particularly among young people. A systematic assessment of the extent of gambling sponsorship in esports has not been undertaken before this study.

Article analysis:

这篇文章的标题是“Targeting the next generation of gamblers? Gambling sponsorship of esports teams”,它探讨了赌博公司对电子竞技团队的赞助以及其对年轻一代赌徒的影响。然而,文章在某些方面存在一些潜在的偏见和片面报道。





