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Article summary:

1. This article presents the design, modeling and control of an asymmetrically pleated textile actuator (APTA).

2. The APTA utilizes a simple inflatable beam which is constrained asymmetrically using a pleat that is fixed only to one side, allowing for the creation of complex 3D structures.

3. Characterization tests were performed to measure the actuator's bending angle, torque output and hysteresis, with a maximum normalized output torque of 400 Nm/kPa.m3 demonstrated.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of the design, modeling and control of an asymmetrically pleated textile actuator (APTA). The authors provide evidence for their claims in the form of characterization tests that measure the actuator's bending angle, torque output and hysteresis. The article also presents potential applications for this actuator in 3D inflatable structures, continuum module segments and wearable elbow devices.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall; however, there are some points that could be improved upon. For example, while the authors present potential applications for this actuator, they do not explore any possible risks associated with these applications or discuss any counterarguments that may exist. Additionally, while the authors present evidence for their claims in terms of characterization tests, they do not provide any evidence for their claims regarding potential applications or discuss any unexplored alternatives to these applications. Furthermore, while the authors present both sides of their argument equally throughout most of the article, they appear to be slightly biased towards their own research in certain sections such as when discussing potential applications for this actuator.

In conclusion, while this article appears to be reliable overall and provides evidence for its claims in terms of characterization tests performed on the APTA, it could benefit from further exploration into possible risks associated with its proposed applications as well as further discussion on unexplored alternatives and counterarguments that may exist.