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Article summary:

1. BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has filed for a Bitcoin ETF, increasing the chances of approval due to recent developments in the US financial system.

2. The Federal Reserve's upcoming digital dollar system, FedNow, would give the Fed control over the ETF and allow them to regulate short-term dollar liquidity.

3. The Fed's control over the ETF would also extend to Bitcoin and stablecoins, potentially ending the dream of a currency independent of governments and central banks.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Bitcoin-Crash: BlackRock und Fed besiegeln das Ende der Kryptowährungen" discusses the potential impact of BlackRock's application for a Bitcoin ETF and the launch of the Fed's new bank communication platform, FedNow, on the future of cryptocurrencies. However, upon critical analysis, several biases and unsupported claims can be identified.

Firstly, the article suggests that there is a rally in response to BlackRock's application for a Bitcoin ETF because there is a greater chance of approval than ever before. However, no evidence or data is provided to support this claim. It is purely speculative and lacks factual basis.

Secondly, the article implies that the Fed's control over the new ETF through its involvement in FedNow will lead to the demise of cryptocurrencies. This claim is not adequately supported or explained. The author cites an external source but does not provide any analysis or evidence to connect this development with the end of cryptocurrencies.

Furthermore, the article highlights the SEC's recent lawsuits against Binance and Coinbase for supporting the sale of unregistered securities but fails to mention any counterarguments or perspectives from these exchanges. This one-sided reporting presents an incomplete picture and undermines the credibility of the article.

Additionally, while discussing BlackRock's application for a Bitcoin ETF, the article mentions that two participants in FedNow, BNY Mellon and PNC Bank, play significant roles. However, it does not explain how their involvement relates to BlackRock's ETF application or provide any evidence to support its implications.

Moreover, when discussing Powell's statements about stablecoins being a form of money and central banks needing control over them, no opposing viewpoints are presented. This lack of balance undermines the objectivity of the article.

The article also fails to address potential risks or drawbacks associated with central bank control over cryptocurrencies. It only focuses on how this control could benefit central banks without considering potential negative consequences such as increased surveillance or restrictions on individual financial freedom.

Overall, the article exhibits biases and unsupported claims, lacks balanced reporting, and fails to provide sufficient evidence for its arguments. It presents a one-sided perspective that promotes a particular narrative without adequately exploring counterarguments or considering potential risks.