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Article summary:

1. Red envelopes are not necessarily required when bringing a girlfriend home, but it is important to consider the long-term relationship between the parents and the girlfriend.

2. It is important to think ahead and plan for both parties in order to show that one has grown up and can take responsibility for their own family.

3. When visiting, it is important to bring gifts that are appropriate for the situation, as well as be prepared to give red envelopes if necessary.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overall positive outlook on bringing a girlfriend home, suggesting that red envelopes may not be necessary in all cases. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. Firstly, the article does not explore any counterarguments or potential risks associated with bringing a girlfriend home without giving red envelopes. This could lead readers to believe that this is always an acceptable practice without considering any potential consequences or drawbacks of doing so. Additionally, the article does not provide any evidence or sources for its claims about what is considered appropriate when visiting someone’s home or how much money should be given in a red envelope. Furthermore, while the article does mention that different areas have different customs regarding red envelopes, it does not provide any further information on this topic which could help readers better understand these customs and make more informed decisions about their own situations. Finally, while the article does provide some advice on how to approach visiting someone’s home with a girlfriend, it does not provide any advice on how to handle other potential issues such as cultural differences or language barriers which could arise during such visits. In conclusion, while this article provides some useful advice on bringing a girlfriend home and giving red envelopes if necessary, it fails to explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with this practice and lacks evidence for its claims about what is considered appropriate when visiting someone’s home or how much money should be given in a red envelope.