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Article summary:

1. Pulpal and periapical diseases are common dental issues that require endodontic treatment.

2. Regenerative endodontics is a tissue engineering concept that aims to restore the lost or damaged parts of the original dental pulp tissue, leading to the complete reestablishment of biological function.

3. Recent advances in stem cell-mediated functional pulp regeneration have been made, which combines stem cells, biomaterials, and growth factors for clinical therapeutic applications.

Article analysis:

The article “Functional Dental Pulp Regeneration: Basic Research and Clinical Translation” provides an overview of recent advances in regenerative endodontics and its potential applications in clinical practice. The authors provide a comprehensive review of the current treatments for pulpal and periapical diseases, as well as basic research related to tissue engineering-mediated pulp regeneration with a focus on dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), biomaterials, and growth factors. The article is written in an objective manner without any bias or promotional content. It presents both sides of the argument equally by providing an overview of current treatments as well as potential future treatments based on regenerative endodontics. The authors also discuss some of the challenges encountered in preclinical or clinical regenerative applications and suggest possible solutions to address these challenges. In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of the topic and lack of bias or promotional content.