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Article summary:

1. The concept of affections is important in society and politics.

2. Affections can be influenced by rhetoric and supernatural agents.

3. Personal and party prejudices can hinder the development of responsible affections.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Affection" from the Cambridge Dictionary provides a collection of examples of the use of the word "affection" in various contexts. While the article does not present any particular bias or one-sided reporting, it lacks a clear focus and coherence. The examples range from philosophical musings on public affections to medical conditions and personal relationships.

One potential source of bias in the article is its reliance on quotes from historical figures such as Edmund Burke and Adam Smith. While these quotes provide interesting insights into how people have thought about affection throughout history, they may not accurately reflect contemporary views on the topic. Additionally, some of the quotes are taken out of context, making it difficult to fully understand their meaning.

Another issue with the article is that it presents a wide range of examples without providing any analysis or commentary on them. For example, it mentions skin affections and infections that troops are prone to but does not explain why this is relevant to the topic of affection. Similarly, it includes a quote about shipyard workers transferring their affections from one industry to another but does not explore why this might be important.

Overall, while the article provides some interesting examples of how "affection" is used in different contexts, it lacks a clear focus or argument. It would benefit from more analysis and commentary on each example to help readers understand their relevance and significance. Additionally, more attention could be paid to potential biases in the sources quoted and whether all sides of an issue are being presented equally.