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Article summary:

1. This study investigated the age-dependent effects of PM2.5 on the cardiovascular system and the underlying mechanisms following chronic exposure.

2. Results showed that aged mice were more sensitive to PM2.5 exposure in terms of inducing cardiac oxidative stress and inflammation.

3. Taurine was identified as a novel cardiac effect target for PM2.5-induced heart dysfunction in the aged, which may be due to increased p53 expression level, ROS and inflammatory cytokines.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it is based on a well-designed study with clear objectives and methods, and provides detailed results and discussion of the findings. The authors have also provided sufficient evidence to support their claims, such as chemical and physical properties analysis of PM2.5 used in the exposure system, histological analysis, ELISA assays, untargeted metabolomics, LC-MS imaging mass spectrometry etc., which makes it credible.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when assessing this article's trustworthiness and reliability. Firstly, the sample size used in this study is relatively small (multi-aged mice), which could lead to inaccurate results due to lack of statistical power or representativeness of the population studied. Secondly, although the authors have discussed possible mechanisms for taurine reduction associated with heart dysfunction after real-world PM2.5 exposure in aged mice (e.g., increased p53 expression level, ROS and inflammatory cytokines), they did not explore any counterarguments or alternative explanations for their findings which could weaken their conclusions if proven true in future studies. Finally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with long-term exposure to PM2.5 or any other environmental pollutants which could limit its applicability in real world settings where such risks need to be taken into consideration before implementing any interventions or policies related to air pollution control measures