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Article summary:

1. The REALISM-T1D study has demonstrated that continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) can be used to accurately estimate glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).

2. Data from 27 adults with type-1 diabetes was analyzed to derive estimates of HbA1c assay results, taken as the gold standard.

3. Improved HbA1c estimation methods result in better HbA1c prediction quality with respect to those based on MIG alone, providing quick feedback to diabetologists.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it is based on a study conducted by researchers from multiple institutions and published in a reputable journal. The authors have provided detailed information about the methods used in the study, which adds to its credibility. Furthermore, the results of the study are presented clearly and concisely, making them easy to understand.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. Firstly, the sample size of 27 participants may not be large enough to draw definitive conclusions from the data collected. Secondly, the article does not discuss any possible risks associated with using CGM for estimating HbA1c levels or any potential limitations of this method. Finally, while the authors have discussed how their improved estimation methods can provide quick feedback to diabetologists, they do not explore any potential counterarguments or alternative approaches that could be taken instead.