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Article summary:

1. Natural silk has many advantages as a textile fiber, but direct functionalization of silk is difficult due to the metabolic pathway of the silkworm larva.

2. Functional components can be added directly to the spinning solution, but this limits the amount of functional components that can be added.

3. This article proposes a low-cost, effective, and scalable strategy to produce high-performance thermochromic silk for temperature sensors, smart windows, camouflage, tactile logic, health monitoring, and photothermal therapy.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting on thermochromic silks for temperature management and dynamic textile displays. The authors provide an overview of existing strategies for functionalizing silk fibers and discuss their limitations before introducing their proposed approach. They also provide evidence from previous studies to support their claims about the benefits of natural silk as a textile fiber. Furthermore, they discuss potential applications of thermochromic silks in detail and provide an experimental section with details on how they produced their samples.

The only potential bias in the article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative approaches to producing thermochromic silks other than those discussed by the authors. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with using thermochromic silks or any potential drawbacks that should be considered when using them in various applications. However, overall this article provides a comprehensive overview of thermochromic silks and presents its information in an unbiased manner without promoting any particular product or approach over another.