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Article summary:

1. Geochemical study was performed to investigate hydrothermal sedimentation process in the Yanchang Formation of the Ordos Basin, China.

2. The stratum was influenced by four episodes of strong hydrothermal activities, with hydrothermal source from the deep North Qinling Orogen around the south margin of the basin.

3. A new hydrothermal sedimentation model of hydrothermal fluids overflowing from basin margin faults is proposed for the Yanchang Formation.

Article analysis:

The article “Characteristics of Hydrothermal Sedimentation Process in the Yanchang Formation, South Ordos Basin, China: Evidence from Element Geochemistry” provides a detailed analysis of geochemical data collected from core samples taken from a new drilling well located in the south Ordos Basin. The authors present evidence that suggests that there were four episodes of strong hydrothermal activity in this area and propose a new model for hydrothermal sedimentation based on their findings.

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed evidence to support its claims and presents both sides equally. The authors provide an extensive review of previous research on hydrothermal sedimentation and cite numerous sources to back up their conclusions. Furthermore, they provide clear explanations for their interpretations and discuss potential risks associated with their findings.

However, there are some areas where more information could be provided or explored further. For example, while the authors discuss potential sources for the hydrothermal activity in this area, they do not explore other possible sources or consider any counterarguments to their conclusions. Additionally, while they discuss potential risks associated with their findings, they do not provide any recommendations or solutions for mitigating these risks.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed evidence to support its claims and presents both sides equally; however, there are some areas where more information could be provided or explored further in order to make it even more comprehensive and reliable.