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Article summary:

1. Osmotic energy, or blue energy, is a renewable and clean energy released by mixing seawater and river water. Synthetic nanofluidic devices are highly efficient to harvest this energy.

2. Conventional viewpoints suggest that the generated electric power would go up linearly with the increasing pore number in the membrane area, however, experiments have shown limited success with power densities below 1 W m−2.

3. This article investigates the diffusive ion transport through single nanopores and porous membranes, taking entering resistance into account and finding distinct ionic transport behaviors between the two systems.

Article analysis:

This article provides a comprehensive understanding of the giant gap between single-pore- and membrane-based nanofluidic osmotic power generators. The author presents an intuitive reservoir-interface-nanopore resistance paradigm which reveals that traditional paradigms are oversimplified due to their failure to address the importance of resistances of micro-sized reservoirs and reservoir/nanopores interfaces (entering resistance). The article also compares theoretical predictions with existing experimental results, yielding semiquantitative agreement for both single nanopores and multipore membranes.

The article is reliable in terms of its content as it provides a thorough analysis of the topic at hand, including detailed explanations of relevant concepts such as entering resistance, concentration polarization zones near pore orifices, etc., as well as comparisons between theoretical predictions and existing experimental results. Furthermore, it offers potential solutions to bridge the gap between single-pore nanofluidic generators and porous membrane materials in terms of suppressing entering resistance in order to promote overall power density up to 103 to 106 W m−2.

The only potential bias present in this article is that it does not explore counterarguments or alternative solutions for bridging the gap between single-pore nanofluidic generators and porous membrane materials other than suppressing entering resistance. However, this does not significantly detract from its trustworthiness or reliability since it still provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.