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Article summary:

1. The US recession of 2023 is now expected to start later than previously predicted.

2. Cookies are used to deliver content and advertisements, generate insights, and store information on devices.

3. Cookies can be categorized as strictly necessary, performance, functional, targeting, or other cookies.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the expected start date of the 2023 US recession being later than previously predicted. The article provides evidence for this claim by citing sources such as Cleveland.com. However, the article does not provide any further evidence or analysis to support this claim beyond simply stating it as fact. Additionally, the article does not explore any potential counterarguments or risks associated with this prediction.

The second part of the article provides an overview of how cookies are used on websites and how they can be categorized into different types. This section is also generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting; however, it does not provide any evidence or analysis to support its claims beyond simply stating them as fact. Additionally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with using cookies on websites or any counterarguments that could be made against their use.

In conclusion, while the article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the expected start date of the 2023 US recession being later than previously predicted and providing an overview of how cookies are used on websites, it lacks evidence and analysis to support its claims beyond simply stating them as fact and does not explore any potential counterarguments or risks associated with either topic discussed in the article.