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Article summary:

1. Plato was opposed to democracy in Ancient Athens and believed that philosophers should rule as they possess the necessary expertise.

2. Plato criticized democracy for producing leaders who manipulate popular opinion and ignore inconvenient truths, leading to mass ignorance and hysteria.

3. While democracy has been successful in many ways, we can still learn from Plato's warnings about the dangers of ignorance and hysteria in democratic societies.

Article analysis:

The article "Why Plato Hated Democracy" by Liam Jones provides a critical analysis of Plato's views on democracy as presented in his book "The Republic." The author argues that Plato believed democracy to be conducive to mass ignorance, hysteria, and ultimately tyranny. While the article presents some valid points, it also has several biases and missing points of consideration.

One-sided Reporting

The article presents only one side of the argument, i.e., Plato's critique of democracy. It does not explore counterarguments or present alternative views on the subject. This one-sided reporting can lead readers to believe that there is no merit to democratic governance.

Unsupported Claims

The author makes several unsupported claims throughout the article. For example, he claims that democracy leads to mass ignorance and hysteria without providing any evidence to support this assertion. Similarly, he suggests that Plato's ideal state would prohibit The Republic from existing without explaining why this would be the case.

Missing Points of Consideration

The article fails to consider several important factors that contribute to the success or failure of democratic governance. For instance, it does not acknowledge the role of education in promoting informed decision-making among citizens. It also overlooks the importance of checks and balances in preventing abuses of power by elected officials.

Promotional Content

While the article purports to provide a critical analysis of Plato's views on democracy, it contains promotional content for democratic governance. The author cites an article from The Economist that praises democracies for their affluence, liberty, and peace without acknowledging any potential drawbacks or limitations.


The author displays partiality towards Aristotle's views on political knowledge over Plato's purely theoretical approach. While Aristotle may have had practical sensibilities, his ideas were not without flaws or limitations.


In conclusion, while "Why Plato Hated Democracy" provides some valuable insights into Plato's critique of democratic governance, it suffers from biases and missing points of consideration. Readers should approach the article with a critical eye and seek out alternative views on the subject to form a well-rounded understanding of the topic.