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Article summary:

1. Quantum Blockchain Technology (QBT), a UK-based research firm, claims to have developed artificial intelligence-powered algorithms that can significantly increase the mining win probability of certain ASIC Bitcoin miners.

2. QBT has developed two different algorithmic search approaches, known as "method A" and "method B," which reportedly boost efficiency and winning results probability for ASIC miners. Method B is said to increase the probability of miners winning by 260%.

3. QBT's long-term goal is to use quantum computers to mine bitcoins, using the SHA-256 calculation method that is being developed for quantum computing systems. The company has also filed a patent application outlining architectural changes to its bitcoin mining ASIC chip that can preprocess data for future blocks on the bitcoin blockchain, potentially increasing efficiency and reducing energy costs.

Article analysis:

这篇文章介绍了Quantum Blockchain Technology(QBT)声称开发了一种人工智能算法,可以显著提高某些ASIC比特币矿机的挖矿胜率。然而,这篇文章存在一些问题和潜在的偏见。

首先,文章没有提供关于Quantum Blockchain Technology(QBT)的背景信息或其在比特币挖矿领域的专业知识。因此,读者无法评估该公司的可靠性和技术水平。



