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Article summary:

1. 14 healthcare workers participating in the Nusantara Sehat program were evacuated from Tambrauw, Papua Barat due to security threats from the KKB.

2. The Nusantara Sehat program aims to improve access and quality of healthcare services in underdeveloped areas.

3. The Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tambrauw requested the evacuation of healthcare workers after a meeting by KKB was disbanded by TNI and Polri, causing security concerns.

Article analysis:

The article reports on the evacuation of 14 healthcare workers from the Nusantara Sehat program in Tambrauw, Papua Barat due to security threats from the Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) Papua. The program aims to improve access and quality of healthcare services in remote and underdeveloped areas. The article provides some background information on the program and its objectives but lacks details on the specific security threats faced by the healthcare workers.

The article also briefly mentions a recent meeting by KKB in Bamus Bama, which was disrupted by TNI and Polri forces, resulting in arrests. However, it does not provide any context or analysis of the ongoing conflict between KKB and Indonesian authorities in Papua Barat.

The article appears to be based solely on a statement from the Director General of Health Human Resources at the Ministry of Health, without any additional sources or perspectives. This may limit its objectivity and potential biases towards portraying the government's actions positively.

Overall, while the article provides some basic information on the evacuation of healthcare workers due to security threats, it lacks depth and context on both the situation in Papua Barat and the Nusantara Sehat program.