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Article summary:

1. NNW-HyFLOW is a domestic independent industrial CFD software for hypersonic flow simulation based on structural/unstructured hybrid grids.

2. The design ideas and framework characteristics of the software are introduced, including the framework design, data structure, coupling method, parallel computing method, and interface design.

3. Results show that the software has good simulation capability for hypersonic nonequilibrium flow and can achieve high accuracy in prediction and evaluation of thermochemical nonequilibrium effects and their impact on aerodynamic forces.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the NNW-HyFLOW software, which is a domestic independent industrial CFD software for hypersonic flow simulation based on structural/unstructured hybrid grids. The article outlines the design ideas and framework characteristics of the software, as well as its theoretical models, core numerical methods and their implementation employed by the solver. Additionally, several examples are used to demonstrate its numerical simulations capabilities.

The article appears to be reliable in terms of its content; however there are some potential biases that should be noted. Firstly, it does not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic; instead it focuses solely on promoting the capabilities of NNW-HyFLOW without exploring other possible solutions or approaches to solving this problem. Secondly, there is no discussion about potential risks associated with using this software or any limitations that may exist in terms of its accuracy or reliability. Finally, there is no mention of any external sources or evidence to support the claims made in the article; thus it is difficult to assess how trustworthy these claims actually are without further research into this topic.

In conclusion, while this article provides an overview of NNW-HyFLOW and its capabilities, it does not provide enough information to fully assess its trustworthiness or reliability due to potential biases and lack of external evidence provided to support its claims.