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Article summary:

1. The key question is: what was the purpose of yesterday's attacks on Iran?

2. Possible attackers are the USA, Israel, or local oppositionists.

3. The use of a quadrocopter to attack a specific plant looks strange and there are two realistic versions: either local oppositionists are playing around or the USA and Israel are testing the effectiveness of small-sized UAVs against protective screens.

Article analysis:

The article provides an analysis of yesterday’s attacks on Iran but does not provide any evidence to support its claims. It speculates that the possible attackers could be the USA, Israel, or local oppositionists without providing any evidence for these claims. Furthermore, it suggests that the use of a quadrocopter to attack a specific plant looks strange without providing any evidence to back up this claim. Additionally, it proposes two realistic versions for why this attack occurred but again does not provide any evidence to support these theories.

The article also fails to explore counterarguments or present both sides equally in order to provide a balanced view of the situation. Furthermore, it does not consider potential risks associated with such attacks nor does it address any potential biases or sources of information used in its analysis. As such, this article lacks credibility and should be read with caution as it may contain inaccurate information or unsupported claims.