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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the design of a party game called Brutally Unfair Tactics Totally OK Now (B.U.T.T.O.N.) and argues that intentionally "broken" or incomplete game systems can foster a self-motivated and collaborative form of play.

2. The author introduces the concepts of "unachievements" and "self-effacing games" to describe the unique qualities of broken games like B.U.T.T.O.N., which distinguish them from traditional digital games.

3. The article explores the idea of designing for togetherness, drawing on concepts such as Henning Eichberg's "impossible game" and Bernie DeKoven's "Well-Played game," which emphasize the relationships between players rather than just individual achievements.

Article analysis:

这篇文章探讨了设计数字媒体游戏的一种可能性,即有意“破损”或不完整的游戏系统可以促进一种自我激励和合作的玩法。作者以他共同设计的派对游戏B.U.T.T.O.N.为例,提出了“非成就”和“自谦游戏”这两个术语来描述这类破损游戏与传统数字游戏之间的区别。作者还将这些游戏与Henning Eichberg关于“不可能游戏”的概念和Bernie DeKoven关于“好玩游戏”的观点进行了比较,并呼吁将注意力不仅放在玩家身上,还要关注他们之间的关系。


