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Article summary:

1. A taxonomic discovery has been made for phorid classification, with the potential for a second species of the genus Cootiphora to be described.

2. A photograph of mating Phalacrotophora halictorum in flight provides information about mating patterns and sensory structures in flies.

3. Two recent papers based on the BioSCAN project have found that temperature and water levels are important factors in promoting insect diversity in Los Angeles, highlighting the need to address climate change and promote native plantings.

Article analysis:

The article "flyobsession" discusses various topics related to dipterology, including taxonomic discoveries, mating behavior of flies, and the results of a biodiversity project in Los Angeles. While the article provides interesting insights into these topics, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be noted.

One potential bias is the author's focus on phorid flies, which may limit the scope of the article and overlook other important aspects of dipterology. Additionally, the author's personal connections to some of the research discussed (such as naming a genus after a friend) may influence their reporting and interpretation of findings.

In terms of one-sided reporting, the article presents only positive aspects of native plantings watered by drip irrigation as a way to promote insect diversity in Los Angeles. While this may be true, it would be important to also consider any potential drawbacks or limitations of this approach.

There are also some unsupported claims in the article, such as when the author speculates about potential synonyms for certain fly species without providing concrete evidence or data to support these claims. Additionally, while the author notes that reducing water can increase insect diversity across habitat types in Los Angeles, they do not provide evidence or explanation for why this might be counter-intuitive.

One missing point of consideration is how climate change may impact fly diversity beyond just phorids. The article focuses on temperature as a key factor affecting phorid diversity but does not explore how other environmental changes (such as habitat loss or pollution) may impact different fly species.

Overall, while the article provides interesting insights into various aspects of dipterology, readers should approach it with a critical eye and consider any potential biases or missing information.