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Article summary:

1. Inflation is causing software prices to rise, with publishers and vendors increasing their prices due to factors such as post-COVID spending and supply chain issues.

2. Software costs have been on the rise in recent years due to the centrality of software to digital businesses, allowing vendors to raise prices without losing demand.

3. Several key software publishers, including Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and SAP, have already announced price increases due to inflation, making it important for organizations to be prepared for software contract negotiations and consider cost-effective purchasing strategies.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How inflation affects software prices" discusses the impact of inflation on software prices and provides suggestions for protecting ITAM or SAM budgets. While the article provides some useful information, there are several potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be addressed.

Firstly, the article mentions that inflation is currently at a record high, with the consumer price index in the US hitting 9.2% and Europe seeing rates nearing 10%. However, it does not provide any evidence or sources to support these claims. Without supporting data, it is difficult to assess the accuracy of these figures and understand their relevance to the topic of software prices.

Secondly, the article suggests that post-COVID spending, supply chain issues, and money printing are contributing factors to inflation. While these factors may have some influence on inflation rates, they are presented as definitive causes without providing any evidence or analysis to support this claim. It would be beneficial to explore other potential factors contributing to inflation and provide a more balanced perspective.

Additionally, the article mentions that software costs are on the rise due to the centrality of software to digital businesses. It cites examples of Adobe and Microsoft increasing their prices for their software offerings. While this may be true for certain software vendors, it does not provide a comprehensive view of the entire software industry. It would be helpful to include data or research from multiple sources to support this claim and provide a broader understanding of how different vendors are responding to inflation.

Furthermore, the article highlights specific price increases by Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and SAP due to inflation. While this information is valuable for readers who use these specific vendors' products, it fails to mention whether other software vendors are also raising their prices. This one-sided reporting could give readers a skewed perception of how widespread price increases are in the industry.

The article also promotes Licenseware's services throughout its content without disclosing any potential conflicts of interest or providing alternative solutions. This promotional content raises questions about the objectivity and impartiality of the article.

In terms of missing evidence, the article does not provide any data or analysis on how inflation specifically affects software prices. It would be beneficial to explore the underlying mechanisms through which inflation impacts software pricing and provide concrete examples or case studies to support these claims.

Overall, the article presents some useful information about the impact of inflation on software prices but lacks supporting evidence, explores only one side of the issue, and includes promotional content. To improve its credibility and provide a more balanced perspective, it should include data from multiple sources, address potential biases, present counterarguments, and provide a more comprehensive analysis of the topic.