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Article summary:

1. People in Asia are celebrating the Lunar New Year, which marks the start of the Year of the Rabbit.

2. Lunar New Year is an important holiday in the Chinese calendar, and is a time for family gatherings, reconnecting with friends, and indulging in food and drink.

3. The article focuses on how people in Asia are celebrating this holiday.

Article analysis:

The Associated Press News article provides a brief overview of how people in Asia are celebrating the Lunar New Year, which marks the start of the Year of the Rabbit. The article does not provide any evidence to support its claims or explore any counterarguments or potential risks associated with celebrating this holiday. Additionally, there is no mention of any other cultures that may be celebrating similar holidays at this time, nor does it provide any insight into why this particular holiday is so important to Chinese culture. Furthermore, there is no indication as to whether or not all sides of this issue have been presented equally or if there are any biases present in the article. As such, it can be concluded that while this article provides a basic overview of how people in Asia are celebrating Lunar New Year, it lacks depth and fails to provide a comprehensive look at all aspects of this celebration.