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Article summary:

1. This paper surveys 566 separate First-Person Shooter (FPS) titles across different platforms, comparing them by year of release, platform, and game setting. The analysis reveals trends in the genre's development over time and on different platforms.

2. The characteristics of avatars within FPS games are examined, including race, gender, and background. The study explores how these characteristics vary across platforms and time.

3. The research aims to provide a wider context for the study of FPS games by offering a quantitative survey of the basic characteristics of the genre. It seeks to answer questions about how the genre has changed over time and whether there are significant differences between FPS games on computers and consoles.

Article analysis:

这篇文章是关于第一人称射击游戏和其角色扮演者的调查。文章首先介绍了第一人称射击游戏的历史和流行程度,并提到了《Wolfenstein 3D》作为该类型游戏的奠基之作。然后,文章讨论了第一人称射击游戏的特点,包括视角、战斗重点和角色扮演者的重要性。接下来,文章指出目前对第一人称射击游戏的研究主要集中在少数几款游戏上,缺乏更广泛的数据来提供背景和上下文。因此,作者进行了一个涵盖550多款第一人称射击游戏的统计调查,并分析了这些游戏在不同平台上发布的时间以及角色扮演者的性别、种族和背景等特征。

然而,这篇文章存在一些潜在偏见和片面报道。首先,在介绍第一人称射击游戏时,作者只提到了白人男性角色(B.J. Blazkowicz)作为代表,并没有提及其他种族或性别的角色。这可能导致读者对该类型游戏中其他类型角色的存在感到困惑或被忽视。



