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Article summary:

1. The article discusses a trick to improve ChatGPT's performance by prompting it to generate a hierarchical table of contents before providing an answer.

2. This trick causes the AI to analyze the structure of the issue and organize its thoughts in a logical manner, similar to how humans create outlines for essays or speeches.

3. An advanced bonus trick is to visualize the table of content as a graphical chart using MermaidJS format and pasting it into https://mermaid.live/.

Article analysis:

The article provides useful information about how to use a prompting trick to improve ChatGPT’s performance, which could be beneficial for those interested in using this language model. However, there are some potential issues with the trustworthiness and reliability of the article that should be noted.

First, there is no evidence provided for any of the claims made in the article, such as that this prompting trick will “greatly enhance ChatGPT’s ability to write coherent long-form essays” or that visualizing the table of content as a graphical chart will produce better results than simply writing out an outline. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with using this technique or any counterarguments that should be considered when employing it.

Second, while the article does provide an example prompt and response from ChatGPT, it does not present both sides equally; only one side (the coalition) is discussed in detail while no information is given about what arguments would be used by the opposition. Furthermore, there is no exploration of other possible approaches or techniques that could be used instead of this prompting trick.

Finally, while not necessarily indicative of bias or unreliability, it should also be noted that some parts of the article appear promotional in nature; for example, at one point readers are encouraged to follow the author on Twitter or LinkedIn without any explanation as to why they should do so.

In conclusion, while this article provides useful information about how to use a prompting trick to improve ChatGPT’s performance, readers should take note of its potential issues with trustworthiness and reliability before relying too heavily on its advice.