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Article summary:

1. Hollow-Core Photonic Band Gap Fibers (HC-PBGFs) guide light in a fundamentally different way to conventional solid optical fibers, allowing for unique optical properties such as ultralow optical nonlinearity, excellent power handling capabilities, and low latency.

2. HC-PBGFs are fabricated using the stacking technique, which involves assembling bundles of glass capillaries into a primary preform with a complex transverse structure that needs to be preserved over long lengths.

3. HC-PBGFs have potential applications in gas-based fiber optics, sensing and lasers, as well as in optical communications where they offer improved bandwidth and modal qualities.

Article analysis:

该文章对Hollow-Core Photonic Band Gap Fibre (HC-PBGF)进行了介绍和评价,但存在一些偏见和不足之处。



