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Article summary:

1. This article presents an intersection type system which has principal typings and types exactly the strongly normalizable λ-terms.

2. The finite rank restriction of this system has both principal typings and decidable type inference, in contrast to System F.

3. A unification-based type inference algorithm is presented using a new form of unification, β-unification.

Article analysis:

The article is written by experts in the field and provides a detailed overview of an intersection type system which has principal typings and types exactly the strongly normalizable λ-terms. The authors provide evidence for their claims through references to other works in the field, such as Coppo et al., Damas & Milner, Jensen, Jim, Jacobs et al., Kfoury & Wells, Leivant, Milner et al., Pierce, Peyton Jones et al., Pottinger and Ronchi Della Rocca. The authors also present a unification-based type inference algorithm using a new form of unification, β-unification.

The article appears to be unbiased and reliable as it provides evidence for its claims through references to other works in the field and does not appear to be promoting any particular point of view or agenda. Furthermore, all possible risks are noted throughout the article and both sides of an argument are presented equally. There do not appear to be any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration in the article either.