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Communism - Conservapedia
Source: conservapedia.com
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Article summary:

1. Communism is a left-wing, anti-democratic and violent ideology dedicated to overthrowing capitalism and replacing it with an unelected "dictatorship of the proletariat" by technocrats and an atheist elite.

2. Communist societies maintain a class structure with the corrupt elite on top, scientists, technicians, and skilled workers recruited from schools who are afforded special privileges, thugs and mobsters who now become the enforcers and police, and everyone else with no political rights.

3. Governments under the banner of Communism have caused the death of somewhere between 40 million to 260 million human lives.

Article analysis:

The article on Communism from Conservapedia presents a highly biased and one-sided view of the ideology. The article is written from a conservative perspective, which is evident in its use of language and framing of issues. The article portrays Communism as an anti-democratic and violent ideology that seeks to overthrow capitalism and replace it with an unelected dictatorship of technocrats and an atheist elite.

The article makes several unsupported claims, such as the assertion that private ownership is illegal in Communist societies, and prisons are emptied of anyone convicted of a property crime. It also claims that Communist societies maintain a class structure with the corrupt elite on top, scientists, technicians, and skilled workers recruited from schools who are afforded special privileges, thugs and mobsters who now become the enforcers and police, and everyone else with no political rights. However, there is no evidence provided to support these claims.

The article also fails to explore counterarguments or present both sides equally. For example, it does not acknowledge any potential benefits or positive aspects of Communism. It also does not address criticisms of capitalism or consider alternative economic systems.

Furthermore, the article promotes conservative views by linking Communism to the Democratic Party in the United States. This association is made without providing any evidence or context for why this link exists.

Overall, the article on Communism from Conservapedia presents a highly biased and one-sided view of the ideology that lacks evidence for many of its claims. It fails to explore counterarguments or present both sides equally, promoting conservative views instead.