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Article summary:

1. This paper presents Autoware on Board, a new profile of Autoware designed to enable autonomous vehicles with embedded systems.

2. Autoware is an open-source software project that provides a complete set of self-driving modules, including localization, detection, prediction, planning, and control.

3. The experimental results show that the execution latency imposed on the DRIVE PX2 platform is capped at about three times as much as that on a high-end laptop computer.

Article analysis:

The article “Autoware on Board: Enabling Autonomous Vehicles with Embedded Systems” is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the development of Autoware for use in autonomous vehicles with embedded systems. The article provides detailed information about the software stack used and the performance evaluation results obtained from using it. The authors also provide evidence to support their claims and present both sides of the argument equally.

However, there are some potential biases in the article which should be noted. For example, the authors focus mainly on the application of Autoware on ARM cores rather than Tegra ones due to functional safety concerns; however, they do not explore any potential risks associated with this decision or discuss any counterarguments which could be made against it. Additionally, while they mention that there are many potential markets for autonomous vehicles, they do not provide any evidence or examples to back up this claim.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of Autoware for use in autonomous vehicles with embedded systems, there are some potential biases which should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability.