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Article summary:

1. In August 2020, a Holocaust hashtag challenge on TikTok sparked controversy.

2. Two years later, the Neuengamme Memorial in Hamburg has created a TikTok channel to reach young people and educate them about the Holocaust.

3. Holocaust survivors have also used the platform to share their stories, including 97-year-old Lily Ebert who has 1.9 million followers.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides an objective overview of how Holocaust remembrance is being addressed on TikTok. It includes quotes from both sides of the debate – those who were offended by the hashtag challenge and those who defended it – as well as interviews with young people visiting the Neuengamme memorial and Holocaust survivors sharing their stories on TikTok. The article also provides evidence for its claims, such as statistics about Generation Z’s knowledge of concentration camps and numbers of visitors to memorial sites like Neuengamme.

The only potential bias in the article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or other perspectives on using TikTok for Holocaust remembrance, such as whether it is appropriate or disrespectful to use a platform known for its viral dance videos for this purpose. However, this does not detract from the overall reliability of the article since it does provide an objective overview of how Holocaust remembrance is being addressed on TikTok.