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Article summary:

1. There is an increasing number of publications discussing the term “well-being” in relation to children and the education system.

2. The article discusses the emergence of a new educational discourse, where well-being is considered as a factor in academic achievement.

3. The article examines the reasons for this change in discourse, looking at various conditions from different areas of social life and the economy.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the growing interest in well-being within the education system, and how it has become an important factor in academic achievement. The author provides evidence to support their claims, such as citing research articles and international conferences on the topic, which adds credibility to their argument. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the author does discuss some of the potential risks associated with focusing on well-being within education systems, they do not provide any counterarguments or explore other perspectives on this issue. Additionally, while they cite research articles and international conferences on this topic, they do not provide any evidence to support their claims about changes in educational discourse or how these changes have impacted academic achievement. Furthermore, there is no discussion of how these changes may have impacted students' overall experience with education systems or how they may have affected other aspects of student life outside of academics. In conclusion, while this article provides a good overview of the growing interest in well-being within education systems and its potential impact on academic achievement, it could benefit from further exploration into other perspectives and more evidence to support its claims.