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Article summary:

1. Pakistan State Oil (PSO) has submitted a "cash arrangement formula" to the government, including a proposal for a Rs 10/litre levy on the sale of petrol and diesel to avoid default.

2. PSO's receivables have reached Rs 762 billion since June 30, 2022, with Rs 598.586 billion being the principal and Rs 163.570 billion being LPS.

3. PSO has sought payment of Rs 56 billion on account of exchange loss on FE-25 loans and cash injection of Rs 100 billion by arranging financing for SNGPL to avoid imminent default.

Article analysis:

The article titled "PSO suggests Rs10/litre levy to avert default" published in Business Recorder highlights the financial crisis faced by Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and its proposed solutions to avoid imminent default. While the article provides detailed information on PSO's receivables, outstanding payments, and proposed cash arrangement formula, it lacks critical analysis of the potential biases and sources of information.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article as it only presents PSO's perspective without exploring counterarguments or presenting both sides equally. The article does not provide any comments from other stakeholders such as the government, consumers, or competitors. This one-sided reporting can lead to a biased understanding of the situation and may not present an accurate picture.

The article also lacks evidence for some of the claims made by PSO. For instance, while PSO claims that it is on the brink of collapse and may not be able to meet its payment obligations from March 14, 2023, there is no evidence provided to support this claim. Similarly, while PSO proposes a levy of Rs 10/litre on sale of Mogas and HSD with an impact of Rs 100 billion to be paid against LNG receivables, there is no explanation provided on how this levy will help PSO avoid default.

Moreover, promotional content is evident in the article as it highlights PSO's market share in high-speed diesel and motor gasoline without providing any context or comparison with its competitors. This promotional content can create a biased understanding of PSO's position in the market.

The article also misses some points of consideration such as the impact of proposed solutions on consumers and their affordability. The proposed levy on Mogas and HSD will increase fuel prices for consumers who are already facing inflationary pressures due to rising oil prices globally.

In conclusion, while the article provides detailed information on PSO's financial crisis and proposed solutions to avoid default, it lacks critical analysis of potential biases and sources of information. One-sided reporting, unsupported claims, missing points of consideration, unexplored counterarguments, promotional content are some areas where improvement is needed for a more balanced understanding of the situation.