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Article summary:

1. The construction and maintenance of roads have significant impacts on the environment, responsible for between 70% and 90% of the greenhouse gas emissions of world transport.

2. Self-healing pavements using external heating techniques by means of electromagnetic waves, such as microwave heating self-healing technique (MWHSHT), are a promising alternative to traditional pavement maintenance techniques, reducing maintenance needs and the consumption of natural resources, decreasing traffic disruption and CO2 emissions during maintenance, increasing road safety, and reducing pavement life cycle costs.

3. This study presents a sustainability analysis of MWHSHT for the maintenance of thin traditional HMA pavements as an alternative to fully traditional asphalt pavement maintenance, consisting of a 40-year, three-legged analysis that evaluated environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The results show that MWHSHT can reduce energy consumption, feedstock use, GHG emissions, and costs while improving road safety and reducing traffic disruption.

Article analysis:

The article "Assessment of the sustainability of asphalt pavement maintenance using the microwave heating self-healing technique" provides a comprehensive analysis of the sustainability of using microwave heating self-healing techniques for asphalt pavement maintenance. The article highlights the importance of sustainable infrastructure management, particularly in the context of road transport, which plays a critical role in economic and social development. The authors argue that traditional pavement maintenance techniques have significant environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption.

The article presents various techniques for self-healing pavements, including microcapsules with rejuvenating agents and external heating techniques using electromagnetic waves such as microwaves or induction. The authors note that while most research has focused on optimizing performance, less effort has been paid to quantifying their environmental benefits or assessing their sustainability.

The article addresses this gap by presenting a comparative three-legged analysis that includes environmental, economic, and social sustainability applied to a case study. The authors find that maintenance alternatives that include MWHSHT show reductions in energy consumption, feedstock use, and GHG emissions compared to traditional maintenance techniques. They also note that MWHSHT reduces traffic disruption during maintenance and increases road safety.

While the article provides valuable insights into the sustainability of using MWHSHT for asphalt pavement maintenance, it has some potential biases and limitations. For example, the study only focuses on one case study and does not consider other factors such as durability or long-term performance. Additionally, the authors do not explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with MWHSHT.

Furthermore, while the article acknowledges the importance of considering social aspects in sustainability assessments, it does not provide sufficient evidence or analysis in this area. The authors could have provided more information on how MWHSHT affects basic human needs such as health, safety, equity, employment, comfort, and happiness.

Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into the sustainability of using MWHSHT for asphalt pavement maintenance from an environmental and economic perspective, it could benefit from more comprehensive analysis and consideration of social aspects.