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Article summary:

1. This article explores the interactions of metric dissonance with phrase structure and form in rock music.

2. It offers categorization schemes for common formal functions of metric dissonance, and presents several corpus studies of metric dissonance in the works of single artists and bands as well as in a cross-section of rock songs.

3. These data allow for comparative analyses of the metric profile of a given artist or band, suggest genre correlations with particular metric patterns, and demonstrate a trend of increasing metric dissonance throughout the history of rock.

Article analysis:

The article MTO 20.2: Biamonte, Formal Functions of Metric Dissonance in Rock Music is an informative and comprehensive exploration into the use of metric dissonance in rock music. The author provides an extensive overview on the topic, including categorization schemes for common formal functions of metric dissonance, as well as several corpus studies to support her claims. The article is well-researched and provides evidence to back up its claims, making it reliable and trustworthy. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted; for example, the author has a bias towards classic and progressive rock music which may lead to an incomplete picture being presented if other genres are not taken into consideration. Additionally, there is no mention or exploration into counterarguments which could provide further insight into this topic. All in all, this article is a valuable source on the topic but should be read with caution due to its potential biases and lack of counterarguments explored.