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IEEE Xplore 全文 PDF:
Source: ieeexplore.ieee.org
Appears well balanced

Article summary:

1. The article encourages readers to scan a QR code to open a mini-program and support the author.

2. It provides instructions on how to do so.

3. It is an appeal for readers to show their appreciation for the author's work.

Article analysis:

The article is trustworthy and reliable as it does not make any unsupported claims or present any biased information. It simply provides instructions on how to access a mini-program in order to support the author, which is not likely to be seen as controversial or one-sided reporting. There are no missing points of consideration, missing evidence for the claims made, unexplored counterarguments, promotional content, partiality, or risks noted in the article. Furthermore, both sides of the issue are presented equally as there is no opinion expressed in the article; it simply provides instructions on how to access a mini-program in order to support the author. Therefore, this article can be considered trustworthy and reliable.