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Article summary:

1. Ultra-stripped supernovae are different from other terminal explosions of massive stars, as they show little or no ejecta from the actual supernova event.

2. A recently discovered high-mass X-ray binary, CPD −29 2176 (CD −29 5159; SGR 0755-2933), has an evolutionary history that shows the neutron star component formed during an ultra-stripped supernova.

3. Binary neutron stars, such as the system that produced the kilonova GW170817, are known to produce a large quantity of heavy elements.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of scientific facts and evidence. The authors provide a detailed description of their research findings and cite relevant sources to support their claims. They also discuss potential biases and risks associated with their research, such as the possibility of incomplete data or inaccurate assumptions about the system's orbital elements. Additionally, they present both sides of the argument equally by discussing both the advantages and disadvantages of ultra-stripped supernovae in forming binary neutron stars.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, it does not explore counterarguments to its claims or provide any evidence for its assertions about binary neutron stars producing a large quantity of heavy elements. Additionally, it does not discuss any potential implications or applications of its findings beyond simply noting that binary neutron stars can produce heavy elements. Finally, while it does mention potential biases and risks associated with its research, it does not provide any specific examples or details on how these might affect its conclusions.