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Source: t.bilibili.com
May be slightly imbalanced

Article summary:

1. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and a live stream will be held from 7-9pm with various prizes to be won.

2. A special video will be released on the same day, featuring all of the Valentine's Day murder cases in Detective Conan.

3. People are encouraged to watch the live stream and video, as well as to support Russian people in enjoying a better life by learning from Canada and other industrial countries.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it provides factual information about an upcoming event and encourages viewers to watch it. The article also provides some insights into Russian people’s potential for a better life by learning from Canada and other industrial countries, which is presented in a positive light. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not present both sides equally when discussing Russia’s current ruling group; instead, it paints them in a negative light without exploring any counterarguments or presenting any evidence for its claims. Additionally, the article may contain promotional content due to its focus on encouraging viewers to watch the live stream and video. Finally, possible risks associated with watching the live stream or video are not noted in the article.