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Article summary:

1. This article provides an overview of recent static and time-resolved vibrational spectroscopic studies of liquid water from ambient conditions to the supercooled state, as well as of crystalline and amorphous ice forms.

2. It discusses the structure and dynamics of the complex hydrogen-bond network formed by water molecules in the bulk and interphases, as well as the dissipation mechanism of vibrational energy throughout this network.

3. It outlines future perspectives of vibrational spectroscopy for water researches, including novel approaches such as two-dimensional sum-frequency generation, three-dimensional infrared, and two-dimensional Raman terahertz spectroscopy.

Article analysis:

This article provides a comprehensive overview of recent static and time-resolved vibrational spectroscopic studies of liquid water from ambient conditions to the supercooled state, as well as of crystalline and amorphous ice forms. The structure and dynamics of the complex hydrogen-bond network formed by water molecules in the bulk and interphases are discussed, as well as the dissipation mechanism of vibrational energy throughout this network. The article is written in a clear manner with sufficient detail to provide an understanding of the topic at hand.

The article is reliable in terms of its content; it presents both sides equally without any bias or partiality towards one side or another. It also does not contain any promotional content or unsupported claims; all claims are backed up with evidence from experiments or simulations. Furthermore, possible risks associated with certain techniques are noted where appropriate.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not explore counterarguments or alternative points of view on some topics; however, this is understandable given that it is an overview article rather than a detailed analysis piece. Additionally, there are some missing points which could have been explored further such as how different types of nonlinear spectroscopies can be used to probe specific aspects related to water structure and dynamics.

In conclusion, this article is reliable in terms of its content; it presents both sides equally without any bias or partiality towards one side or another while providing sufficient detail to understand the topic at hand.