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Article summary:

1. Context affects DAX measures in Power BI.

2. Different visuals using the same DAX measure can produce different results based on context.

3. Interactions between visuals and filters can also change the filter context for the DAX measure.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Understand context - Training | Microsoft Learn" provides an overview of how context affects DAX measures in Power BI. The article uses three visuals to demonstrate how the same DAX measure produces different results based on the context in which it is used. While the article provides a basic understanding of how context works with DAX, it has several limitations and potential biases.

One of the main limitations of the article is that it only focuses on one aspect of DAX measures, i.e., context. While context is an essential factor in evaluating DAX formulas, there are other factors such as syntax, functions, and data types that also affect their evaluation. By focusing solely on context, the article presents a limited view of how DAX measures work.

Another limitation of the article is that it assumes a certain level of familiarity with Power BI and DAX formulas. The visuals presented in the article may be confusing for beginners who are not familiar with these concepts. The article could have provided more background information or links to additional resources to help readers understand these concepts better.

The article also has potential biases towards promoting Power BI as a tool for data analysis. While Power BI is undoubtedly a powerful tool for data analysis, the article does not provide any information about other tools or software that can perform similar tasks. This bias towards promoting Power BI may lead readers to believe that it is the only tool available for data analysis.

Furthermore, the article does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on how context affects DAX measures. It presents a one-sided view without considering any potential drawbacks or limitations of using this approach.

In conclusion, while the article provides some useful insights into how context affects DAX measures in Power BI, it has several limitations and potential biases. Readers should approach this information with caution and seek out additional resources to gain a more comprehensive understanding of these concepts.