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Article summary:

1. The blue color used in Dunhuang murals is made from lapis lazuli, which is expensive and imported from Afghanistan.

2. Gold powder and gold foil are used to create a three-dimensional effect and add magnificence to the murals.

3. The colors used in Dunhuang murals reflect the cultural characteristics and aesthetic tastes of each era, as well as the yearning and creation of the Chinese nation for a better life. They embody the tolerance and cultural mind of the Chinese people towards foreigners, creating a gorgeous and colorful national color.

Article analysis:



其次,该文章过于强调了蓝色和金色的珍贵性和昂贵性,但没有提供足够的证据来支持这种说法。例如,作者声称“lapis lazuli”是一种昂贵的宝石,并且需要进口才能得到。然而,作者并没有提供任何价格或成本方面的数据来证明这一点。


