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Article summary:

1. Metaphor and metonymy were newly introduced into English during Shakespeare's lifetime and described the system of analogies in early moderns' worldview.

2. The analogy between society and the human body was used more than any other correspondences in the Elizabethan world picture, establishing a hierarchy for everything on earth and in the heavens.

3. Disease was a far more generalized term in early modern times, as it represented the disintegration of order and harmony in micro- and macrocosmoses.

Article analysis:


另外,该文章也存在一些片面报道和宣传内容。例如,作者将“scala naturae”、“Aristotelian scale of nature”、“Ptolemaic universe”以及“Galenic humoral theory”等概念视为当时人们世界观中不可或缺的部分,但这并不代表所有人都接受这些理论或者认为它们是正确的。此外,在讨论疾病时,作者将其描述为一个更加普遍化、泛指性质更强的词汇,但这种说法可能过于笼统,并且没有考虑到当时人们对于具体疾病名称和治疗方法的认知。
