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Article summary:

1. Fingerprints are used for personal identification, but existing systems can be vulnerable to fake fingerprints.

2. A material-based liveness detection approach is proposed to distinguish between living fingers and fake fingerprints at the time of fingerprint collection.

3. A sweat-responsive covalent organic framework film is developed that can produce naked-eye-identified fingerprints and their level 3 feature patterns, enabling material-based liveness detection.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of the development of a sweat-responsive covalent organic framework film for material-based liveness detection and sweat pore analysis. The article is well written and provides an in depth explanation of the research conducted, as well as its potential applications. The authors provide evidence to support their claims, such as citing previous research in the field of computer science and material science, which adds credibility to their work.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, while the authors discuss the potential applications of their research, they do not explore any possible risks associated with using this technology or how it might be misused by malicious actors. Additionally, while they cite previous research in computer science and material science, they do not provide any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on their work from other researchers in these fields. Furthermore, while they discuss the potential benefits of using this technology for fingerprint liveness detection, they do not explore any other potential uses or implications that this technology may have on society or individuals’ privacy rights.

In conclusion, while this article provides a detailed overview of the development of a sweat-responsive covalent organic framework film for material-based liveness detection and sweat pore analysis, it could benefit from exploring possible risks associated with using this technology as well as providing alternative perspectives from other researchers in related fields.