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Article summary:

1. Orthodontics has always considered facial esthetics important, with Edward H. Angle emphasizing the importance of a "harmonious" face and a full complement of teeth in 1900.

2. The development of cephalometrics in the 1930s allowed for more objective evaluation of growth, development, and treatment effects on facial forms and esthetics.

3. Advances in technology since the 1990s have allowed for even more precise prediction and achievement of esthetic results previously thought unattainable.

Article analysis:

该文章对正畸学中美学考虑的演变进行了回顾,但存在一些偏见和片面报道。首先,文章强调了早期正畸学家Edward H. Angle的非拔牙哲学,认为完美的面部外貌需要一个完整的牙齿组合。然而,这种观点在现代正畸学中已经被广泛质疑,并且越来越多的研究表明,在某些情况下拔牙可以实现更好的美学效果。



