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Article summary:

1. This article provides a tutorial on how to embed a Power BI report in an application for your organization using .NET 5.0 and the Microsoft.Identity.Web library.

2. Prerequisites include a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User license, a Power BI workspace with a report, an Azure Active Directory tenant, an Azure AD app, and .NET Core 5 SDK (or higher).

3. The tutorial outlines 6 steps: configure your Azure AD app, get the embedding parameter values, add the required NuGet packages, enable server-side authentication, build your app's client side, and run your application.

Article analysis:

This article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides clear instructions on how to embed a Power BI report in an application for your organization using .NET 5.0 and the Microsoft.Identity.Web library. It also lists all of the prerequisites needed for this process such as having a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User license and an Azure Active Directory tenant with an associated app. Furthermore, it outlines each step of the process in detail so that readers can easily follow along without any confusion or ambiguity.

The only potential bias present in this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative methods of embedding a Power BI report into an application for your organization other than what is outlined in the tutorial itself. Additionally, there are no unsupported claims made nor any missing points of consideration or evidence for the claims made throughout the article; however, there is some promotional content present as it encourages readers to use Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code with C# extensions when developing their applications which could be seen as biased towards those particular development environments over others that may be available on the market today.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides clear instructions on how to embed a Power BI report into an application for your organization while also listing all of its prerequisites and outlining each step of the process in detail; however, there is some promotional content present which could be seen as biased towards certain development environments over others that may be available on the market today.