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Article summary:

1. Fitbit has been accused of stealing ideas from smaller wearable companies, such as the WHOOP Bracelet.

2. Fitbit's new Daily Readiness Score feature takes into account 3 biomarkers: sleep, activity and heart rate variability (HRV).

3. The trustworthiness and reliability of Fitbit is questionable due to its history of false data, over-promising features, and legal battles.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of Fitbit’s Stress Management 2023 and its two newer developments: Daily Readiness Score and Fitbit EDA / stress management. It also discusses the company’s controversial past with accusations of stealing ideas from smaller wearable companies like WHOOP.

The article does not provide any evidence for the claims made about Fitbit’s performance or user growth since Google purchased the company. It also does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally when discussing the trustworthiness and reliability of Fitbit. Additionally, it does not mention any potential risks associated with using their products or services.

The article does provide a detailed description of how the Daily Readiness Score works and how HRV is used in this process. However, it fails to mention that there are different types of HRV sensors available on the market, which can affect accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, it does not discuss any other potential biomarkers that could be used in addition to HRV for more accurate readings.

In conclusion, while this article provides some useful information about Fitbit Stress Management 2023 and its two newer developments, it fails to provide sufficient evidence for its claims or explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with using their products or services.