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Article summary:

1. The article explores the motivator factors that contribute to the persistence of STEM undergraduate students using Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory.

2. It identifies intrinsic motivators such as interest in the subject, career aspirations, and personal satisfaction as key factors influencing STEM student persistence.

3. The study suggests that understanding and addressing these motivator factors can help institutions improve retention rates and support the success of STEM undergraduates.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Examining Motivator Factors of Stem Undergraduate Persistence through Two-Factor Theory" published on EBSCO explores the factors that motivate STEM undergraduate students to persist in their studies. The study is based on Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, which suggests that there are motivator factors and hygiene factors that influence job satisfaction and motivation.

One potential bias in this article is the focus solely on motivator factors, neglecting the importance of hygiene factors in influencing student persistence. While motivator factors such as recognition, achievement, and growth are undoubtedly important, hygiene factors like salary, work conditions, and interpersonal relationships also play a significant role in student retention. By only examining motivator factors, the study may provide an incomplete picture of what drives STEM undergraduate students to persist in their studies.

Additionally, the article lacks evidence to support its claims about the impact of motivator factors on student persistence. While Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory is a well-established framework for understanding motivation in the workplace, its applicability to student retention in STEM fields may not be as straightforward. Without empirical evidence or case studies to support the claims made in the article, readers may question the validity of the findings.

Furthermore, the article does not explore potential counterarguments or alternative explanations for why STEM undergraduate students choose to persist in their studies. By failing to consider other perspectives or theories on student motivation and retention, the study may present a biased view of the factors influencing student persistence.

There is also a lack of discussion about possible risks or challenges that STEM undergraduate students face that could impact their decision to continue with their studies. Issues such as academic pressure, financial constraints, lack of mentorship opportunities, and imposter syndrome are all potential barriers to student persistence that are not addressed in the article.

Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into motivator factors that may influence STEM undergraduate persistence, it falls short in providing a comprehensive analysis of all relevant factors at play. By addressing potential biases and limitations in future research studies, researchers can offer a more nuanced understanding of what drives students to succeed in STEM fields.