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Article summary:

1. The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is unlikely to be won by either side, and the rest of the world is suffering alongside.

2. A peace agreement needs to be found that meets the core security interests of both parties, and neutral countries could help enforce it.

3. Major neutral countries such as Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa have called for a negotiated end to the conflict and could act as co-guarantors of any peace agreement.

Article analysis:

The article by Jeffrey Sachs on why neutral countries should mediate between Russia and Ukraine is generally well-written and provides an interesting perspective on how a peace agreement could be reached between the two sides. The article does a good job of outlining the current situation in Ukraine and Russia's involvement in it, as well as providing an overview of potential solutions that could be implemented to bring about a peaceful resolution.

However, there are some potential issues with the trustworthiness and reliability of this article. Firstly, it appears to be somewhat one-sided in its reporting; while it does provide an overview of potential solutions that could be implemented to bring about a peaceful resolution, it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on these solutions. Additionally, there are some unsupported claims made throughout the article which lack evidence or further explanation; for example, when discussing NATO enlargement eastward, Sachs states that “Russia certainly feels otherwise” without providing any evidence or further explanation for this claim.

Furthermore, there is also some promotional content present in this article; Sachs mentions his own role in advising various UN secretaries-general and presidents throughout his career without providing any further context or explanation for why this information is relevant to the topic at hand. Additionally, he also mentions several countries' aspirations for permanent seats on the UN Security Council without exploring any potential risks associated with these ambitions or noting any possible drawbacks from granting them such positions.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting perspective on how a peace agreement could be reached between Russia and Ukraine through involving neutral countries in negotiations, there are some issues with its trustworthiness and reliability due to its one-sided reporting style, unsupported claims made throughout the text and promotional content present within it.