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Article summary:

1. The implementation of a CLT-oriented curriculum change is challenging due to various factors such as teacher beliefs, institutional constraints, and lack of resources.

2. Successful implementation requires a shift in teacher beliefs towards communicative language teaching and the provision of adequate training and support.

3. Collaboration between teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders is crucial for the successful implementation of a CLT-oriented curriculum change.

Article analysis:

Unfortunately, the article text is not provided in the given prompt. Therefore, it is impossible to provide a detailed critical analysis of the article's content and potential biases. However, based on the information provided in the prompt, it appears that the article may discuss a curriculum change focused on CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) and its challenges.

It is important to note that any article or research study can have potential biases based on various factors such as funding sources, personal beliefs of the authors, and political affiliations. It is crucial to critically analyze any information presented and consider multiple perspectives before drawing conclusions.

Additionally, it is essential to ensure that articles present both sides equally and provide evidence for their claims. Unsupported claims or missing points of consideration can lead to incomplete or inaccurate information being presented.

Furthermore, promotional content or partiality towards a particular viewpoint can also be problematic in articles discussing educational practices or policies. It is important to consider possible risks associated with any proposed changes and explore counterarguments thoroughly.

In conclusion, without access to the actual article text, it is difficult to provide a detailed critical analysis of its content and potential biases. However, it is crucial to approach any information presented with a critical eye and consider multiple perspectives before drawing conclusions.